Friday, August 7, 2009

Sing With Me

This is the part where things get rough. . .

When you choose the life of a Bohemian you risk certain dry spells unlike the rest of the world around you. Granted, things are rough for all sorts of people right now, and I acknowledge I still have a roof over my head and (some) food in my cupboards, children who love me and a thoughtful (and freakin' hot) husband, but it get's rough when you're the icing on the proverbial cake. Meaning the entertainment industry. While working at The Dallas Children's Theater it made me laugh how the contract labor and production staff parked around back and that there was such a dramatic shift from the Lexus SUVs in the patron parking and the beat up 1990-something compacts where we parked.

So we've pawned jewelry and the nicest guitar Paul owns to keep our lights and water on.

This is the downside.

I know everyone has to learn the principle of the harvest in some form or fashion but sometimes it seems like winter will never end and that planting seeds is endless. I wish for spring. But thank God that I have my lights on TODAY, that I have food TODAY and that my children and I are well on THIS DAY for tomorrow. . .is in His hands.

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